Here's my code:

{exp:channel:entries entry_id="{embed:id}"}     
    {exp:tagger:tags entry_id="{entry_id}" backspace="2"}{tagger:tag_name}, {/exp:tagger:tags}

It spits out entry_id just fine. Is there a way to delay Tagger? Seems like it's not getting the entry_id passed. If I hard code an id in, I get the resutling tags, but this approach yields nothing. Thanks!

I also tried running this with just {embed:id} in the place of {entry_id} with the same results.

The whole embed:

<div class="tile-content {embed:posttype}">
    <div class="content-pad">

        <i class="fa {embed:icon}"></i>


        <div class="hashtags">
            <p>{exp:tagger:tags entry_id="{embed:id}" backspace="2"}{tagger:tag_name}, {/exp:tagger:tags}</p>

        <div class="blocked">


            {if embed:type == 'article'}
                <a class="btn btn-white" href="{embed:link}" target="_blank">READ MORE</a>

            {if embed:type == 'blog-post' OR embed:type == 'exec'}
                <a class="btn btn-white" href="{embed:link}">Read More</a>


It's pulling in the data from here:

{exp:channel:entries channel="post" orderby="random" limit="1020" paginate="bottom"}
    {exp:switchee variable = "{the_post_type}" parse="inward"}
        {case value="article"}


  • Where/how are you setting entry_id="{embed:id}"? I'd like to see your other template too. Oct 21, 2014 at 22:33
  • Updated my code to answer your question... I'm running them as embeds to keep my views separated out but I might have to bring them all inline.
    – brunam
    Oct 21, 2014 at 22:43
  • I'd say it's parsing issue, as is the case in most EE instances, have you tried parse="inward" on your channel entries loop? Oct 22, 2014 at 14:10
  • Also what happens when you remove the switchee tag? Oct 22, 2014 at 14:10


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