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Displaying ICS data in ExpressionEngine

I'm trying to help out with a client that manages its own in-house web server, where iCal and BusyCal are used to maintain a dozen or so calendars. These calendars are displayed for members in a ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Create a link to add Matrix stored event to iCal using Easy iCal

Sorry if this is obvious but we have an entry which contains multiple venues and dates for a specific event. I want the user to be able to add a specific venue and date to iCal by simply clicking on ...
Steven Hambleton's user avatar
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MS Outlook sets start and end times one minute later with iCal plugin

Thread title explains it all. With output like this: DTSTAMP:20130226T150037 DTSTART:20130226T150037 DTEND:20130226T170037 Outlook will set the start time as 3:01pm and the end time as 5:01pm. ...
Tyssen's user avatar
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