What are the available tools/tutorials for learning to develop ExpressionEngine addons (modules, fields, extensions, plugins and accessories)?

1 Answer 1


The following list should get you started:

  • ExpressionEngine Add-On Development Docs: links to guidelines, reference material, and tutorials for developing Plugins, Modules, and Extensions for ExpressionEngine

  • ExpressionEngine Add-on Development Recipes: a collection of articles and tutorials to help you learn how to build ExpressionEngine add-ons

  • Add-On Development Cheat Sheet: freely downloadable cheat sheet and Accessory for ExpressionEngine 2.x. Its purpose is to help add-on developers get used to coding for EE 2, speed up development time and increase productivity.

  • Building an ExpressionEngine Add-on: Commercial yes, but an excellent video by well-respected add-on developer @low giving a solid introduction into planning and building an add-on.

  • Pkg.io: Package Builder for ExpressionEngine which will quickly generate boilerplate code for all types of ExpressionEngine add-ons. It includes helpful comments in the source and will jump-start development of your custom add-on.

  • generator-ee-addon An ExpressionEngine Add-On generator for Yeoman. Capable of building modules, plugins, extensions, accessories and fieldtypes.

  • DevKit for EE 2.0 Generate a new module skeleton, yaml 2 dbforge code generation and global variables / snippets sync from filesystem.

  • Channel-Data (objectivehtml) A helper class that compiles all the necessary models to easily gather ExpressionEngine channel data. The main benefit of this library is its ability to be dropped into any existing add-on and retrieve channel data extremely easily without having to load all the models.

  • EE-Add-On-Builder SublimeText plugin to easily build ExpressionEngine Add-Ons.

  • Open API - Front-end API for ExpressionEngine that provides authentication and CRUD functionality.


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