I am trying to grab the category ID from the last segment to use in a redirect back to that category page but nothing is showing up.
My main page is http://domain.com/store/shop/C28, then you click to view a single entry.
the entry is http://domain.com/store/product_detail/158
where 158 is the entry_id to display a dynamic entry showing one product.
In my redirect (after adding the product to a cart) I want to go back to http://domain.com/store/shop/C28
I have tried to use this in my add to cart but nothing is parsing for the seg2cat
When I view source I just see http://hookingrugs.com/store/shop/C"
with no ID.
Even if I just place {last_segment_category_id} on the page outside of any other tags I still get nothing. Why does low seg2cat not pick up on the last entry ID.