Is there a possibility to increment a variable/count (something like "i++") within a matrix field so that the variable is incremented for each row with certain parameters?

The background is that I created a Matrix field to allow the user to reorder html elements. We use Channel Images to upload

I'm trying to achieve this in my template:


 {if cell_type == "image"}
 <!-- insert image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image"i++".jpg -->
   {exp:channel_images:images_static entry_id="{entry_id}"}
     <img src="{image:{i++}:url}">

 {if cell_type == "text"}


The html code is supposed to be looking like this:

<img src="image1.jpg">
<p>Text block 1…</p>
<img src="image2.jpg">
<p>Text block 2…</p>
<p>Text block 3…</p>
<img src="image3.jpg">

I tried it with a switch:


 {if cell_type == "image"}
   {exp:channel_images:images_static entry_id="{entry_id}"}
     <img src="{image:{switch'1|2|3|4|5'}:url}">



The switch statement is working between matrix rows. However, it's alternating between matrix rows whether the surrounding "if"-statement applies or not. So instead of the desired result posted above, my actual html looks like this:

<img src="image1.jpg">
<p>Text block 1…</p>
<img src="image3.jpg">
<p>Text block 2…</p>
<p>Text block 3…</p>
<img src="image6.jpg">

I couldn't think of a way to solve this with php either. Any ideas? Thanks!

1 Answer 1


How about something like this?

  {exp:channel_images:images_static entry_id="{entry_id}"}

({element_count} is the matrix field where you can choose the #-th image).

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