I've run into a bit of an issue when working on a video archive site for a church. I currently have sermon series in a channel and then services in another channel that is tied to the series channel by a relationship field. I want to be able to feature a single week's service on the homepage, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the service's URL to point to the series URL. The site is here: video.lifebridgechurch.com. On the homepage, I have the featured post which is using Comment URL Title Auto Path to generate the URL. However, I need the last segment of the URL to be the series URL instead of the service title since I don't have a template for just a single service. If you go to the full archives and click on a series, all of the services are shown in tabs so they don't need their own template.
I've tried MX Title Control but I can't seem to get it to do what I need.
Hopefully this makes sense! Thanks for any help!