I have (had) a custom payment gateway running in Expresso Store 2.0.6. Since i updated to 2.1 the gateway is not working anymore. I am aware of the new folder structure inside the vendor/omnipay folder and tried to adapt my own gateway folder without success. The gateway is not listed in stores payment gateway settings. I also changed the store_unofficial_payment_gateways value in the db from 0 to 1.
Are there some special installation instructions for custom payment gateways in EE Store 2.1? Or is it like in previous versions that i only have to move my custom gateway folder into the vendor folder and if everything is fine in my folder the gateway shows up?
Are there other files i have to adapt outside my custom gateway folder?
What's about that new composer.json file? I'm not sure how that should look like …
Also worth to note: The button "Add Payment Method" in the upper right corner doesn't exists in my installation as seen in the store docs: https://exp-resso.com/docs/settings_payment_methods.html
I am running the latest versions from both EE and Expresso Store.
Thanks in advance