I've setup Postmaster to send system emails via Mandrill. Everything's working fine, but, all of the HTML tags are getting stripped out.
Here's a snip from the Message field, which is rendering nicely in Postmaster's preview pane:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<style type="text/css">
/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
#outlook a{padding:0;} /* Force Outlook to provide a "view in browser" message */
Here's the raw text of the email I'm getting:
From: (client name / email redacted)
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 15:28:54 -0600
Subject: Enclosed is your activation code
Enclosed is your activation code
/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
#outlook a{padding:0;} /* Force Outlook to provide a "view in browser" message */
The CSS rules are making it through, but, looks like a strip_tags()
or something is wiping out the HTML.
There is a setting for "Plain Text Only" in the area for the Mandrill config, but, it is set to false.
Running EE 2.7.2 and Postmaster 1.4.4.
Other than setting up per this post, and selecting Mandrill as the mechanism, none of the default EE email settings have been touched.
Any thoughts appreciated; will followup ASAP.
Edit 1: Other Add-ons Interfering?
Here are the relevant (hopefully) columns from exp_extensions
; this is happening during the new member registration process (not sure if it's also happening in other situations); the form is coming from Zoo Visitor, has a Snaptcha captcha, and the user is sent to a Custom System Messages managed page on success, so I suppose there's plenty of room for interference.
Assets_ext channel_entries_query_result channel_entries_query_result
Shortlist_ext channel_entries_row channel_entries_row
Matrix_ext channel_entries_tagdata channel_entries_tagdata
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_safecracker_submit_entry_end channel_form_submit_entry_end
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_safecracker_submit_entry_start channel_form_submit_entry_start
Snaptcha_ext comment_field comment_form_tagdata
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_cp_js_end cp_js_end
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_cp_members_member_create cp_members_member_create
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_cp_members_member_delete_end cp_members_member_delete_end
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_cp_members_validate_members cp_members_validate_members
Superfish_admin_ext cp_menu_array cp_menu_array
Channel_images_ext editor_before_display editor_before_display
Channel_images_ext editor_before_replace editor_before_replace
Channel_images_ext editor_before_save editor_before_save
Minimee_ext ee_debug_toolbar_add_panel ee_debug_toolbar_add_panel
Snaptcha_ext email_form_field email_form_form_end
Snaptcha_ext email_form_validate email_form_send_form_start
Postmaster_ext trigger_hook email_send
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_entry_submission_end entry_submission_end
Postmaster_ext entry_submission_end entry_submission_end
Postmaster_ext entry_submission_ready entry_submission_ready
Assets_ext files_after_delete files_after_delete
Assets_ext file_after_save file_after_save
Snaptcha_ext forum_field forum_submission_form_end
Snaptcha_ext forum_validate forum_submit_post_start
Snaptcha_ext forum_field forum_threads_template
Snaptcha_ext freeform_field freeform_module_form_end
Snaptcha_ext freeform_validate freeform_module_validate_end
Snaptcha_ext freemember_register_validate freemember_register_validation
Snaptcha_ext comment_validate insert_comment_start
Snaptcha_ext rating_comment_validate insert_rating_comment_start
Snaptcha_ext rating_validate insert_rating_start
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_member_member_register member_member_register
Snaptcha_ext member_register_validate member_member_register_errors
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_member_member_register_start member_member_register_start
Snaptcha_ext member_register_validate_deprecated member_member_register_start
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_member_register_validate_members member_register_validate_members
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_membrr_expire membrr_expire
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_membrr_subscribe membrr_subscribe
System_messages_ext output_show_message output_show_message
Snaptcha_ext proform_field proform_create_captcha
Snaptcha_ext proform_process_captcha proform_process_captcha
Snaptcha_ext proform_validate proform_validation_end
Snaptcha_ext rating_comment_field rating_comment_form_tagdata
Snaptcha_ext rating_field rating_form_tagdata
Snaptcha_ext safecracker_field safecracker_entry_form_tagdata_end
Snaptcha_ext safecracker_validate safecracker_submit_entry_start
Snippet_sync_ext sessions_end sessions_end
Zoo_visitor_ext hook_sessions_end sessions_end
System_messages_ext extend_output_class sessions_start
Url_helper_ext set_url_helper sessions_start
Snippet_sync_ext show_full_control_panel_end show_full_control_panel_end
System_messages_ext template_post_parse template_post_parse
Minimee_ext template_post_parse template_post_parse
Snaptcha_ext user_register_validate user_register_start
Channel_images_ext wygwam_before_display wygwam_before_display
Channel_images_ext wygwam_before_replace wygwam_before_replace
Channel_images_ext wygwam_before_save wygwam_before_save
Channel_images_ext wygwam_config wygwam_config
Edit 2: Custom System Messages
Custom System Messages is installed, but, it shouldn't be involved in this process; on a successful submission, Zoo Visitor is the mechanism directing the browser to a template.
tag issue, that there is a conflict, because Postmaster should not be doing either of these things. I plan on taking a look into detail today, but in the mean time take a look at your exp_extensions table and see if any of the hooks used in Postmaster are being used with another add-on.