Hi is there any posibility to get this working?
{exp:cartthrob:arithmetic expression="{option_price_numeric} -({option_price_numeric} * {exp:low_variables:single var='early_bird_discount'} / 100)"}
In {exp:low_variables:single var='early_bird_discount'} is 30 in this example I'm getting an "undefined variable" error and I know this is correct but I don't know how exactly get the right result for this
Using the first option Rob Sanchez suggests gives me the following error: Unparsed EE tags in expression, check parse order. Perhaps it is important for you that the tag is nested into several tags in an embed template:
{exp:channel:entries channel="events" require_entry="yes" entry_id="{embed:entry_id}"}
{exp:cartthrob:item_options entry_id="{entry_id}"}
{categories show_group="24"}
{if option_value == "{embed:option}"}
{if category_id =="160"}
{if "{event_early_bird_date format='%U'}" >= "{current_time format='%U'}" && "{exp:low_variables:single var='siteA:early_bird_discount'}" >"{embed:another_discount}"}
{!-- ##### --}
{exp:cartthrob:arithmetic expression="{option_price_numeric} -({option_price_numeric} * {early_bird_discount} / 100)"}
{!-- ##### --}
{exp:cartthrob:arithmetic expression="{option_price_numeric} -({option_price_numeric} * {embed:another_discount} / 100) + {embed:membrr_price}"}
{if:elseif category_id =="161"}
Update 2
I figured out the problem I think. early_bird_discount is a low variable of siteA but I'm trying use this variable on siteB so using {early_bird_discount} does not work here. Is there any possibility to get the global variable from siteA on siteB?