I'm using this basic code to output form results:

{exp:freeform:entries form_name="{segment_3}"}

It works great for all of my forms, except for when I encounter a File Upload field: it just outputs the filename (without a link to the file). Is there a better way write this code for possible File fields?

2 Answers 2


Yes, there is.

When looping through your {freeform:all_form_fields} you will need to test the {freeform:field_output} and alter the html markup you dump your field data into.


{exp:freeform:entries form_name="{segment_3}"}
        {if freeform:field_type == 'text'}
        {if freeform:field_type == 'file'}
            <img src="{freeform:field_output}">

Not sure if the field_type is actually named file for a file upload you will need to find out.

Here is the documentation area of freeform i pulled this syntax from.



Thanks, mattidjohn. I just had to change field_type to "file_upload" and manually type in the URL to the file, since field_output only produces a filename. Since you can choose Upload Destination per File Upload field, I don't exactly like hard-coding it to one upload location, but I don't see any variable to reference to find the Upload Destination. (If so, that would make the code scalable and better.)

{if freeform:field_type == 'file_upload'}
  <a href="{site_url}docs/{freeform:field_output}">{freeform:field_output}</a>

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