I am trying to use the Grid fieldtype as a price modifier for Cartthrob. Documentation is lacking on this, it only describes Matrix. I have set it up like Matrix, but obviously change tags to Grid tags.
I am also using the exp:cartthrob:multi_add_to_cart_form so we can add multiple options and quantities at the same time.
I can add multiple product options to the cart, but cannot get the price or the inventory as per the documentation for Matrix.
My product_options fieldnames are options_value, price, inventory, and I have mapped the inventory and price to my product_options field in Cartthrob, but adding to the cart states "Product is out of stock" for all options. If I remove the inventory mapping, I can add them to the cart but then the price is 0.
So it seems I cannot map price and inventory to a grid field, like the docs say you can for Matrix. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Here is exp:cartthrob:multi_add_to_cart_form form:
{exp:cartthrob:multi_add_to_cart_form return="cart" }
<input type="hidden" name="entry_id[{product_options:count}]" value="{entry_id}">
<input type="hidden" name="item_options[{product_options:count}][product_options]" value="{product_options:option_value}">
<input type="text" name="quantity[{product_options:count}]" value="{product_options:count}">
<input type="submit" value="Add To Cart" />
We are using the latest CT version 2.5 and EE 2.7.2