I am trying to create a notification email in Postmaster to trigger on submission of a Zoo Visitor member registration form. The registration form includes a set of checkboxes for registrants to notify availability.
Using a Parcel in Postmaster as follows it will spit out all of the data but only on Edit/Update - not registration (new entry).
<h2>Performer Expression of Interest Application</h2>
<p>Date: {parcel:entry_date format="%d-%m-%Y"}</p>
<p>Email: {member:email}</p>
<p>{parcel:street_address}, {parcel:address_line_2}<br />{parcel:city} {parcel:postcode} {parcel:state}</p>
<p>Phone: {parcel:contact_phone}</p>
<p>Availability: {parcel:m_availability}</p>
<p>Website: {parcel:website_url}</p>
<p>Facebook: {parcel:facebook_profile_url}</p>
<p>Twitter: {parcel:twitter_profile_url}</p>
<p>YouTube: {parcel:youtube_channel_url}</p>
<h3>Bio / Description</h3>
I've tried this with and without email self-activation turned on. I've tried this with all statuses and member groups ticked. Note that in this example, the Availability field outputs the correct data.
So I tried using the Zoo Visitor Register End Hook as follows:
<h2>Performer Expression of Interest Application</h2>
<p>Date: {hook:entry_date format="%d-%m-%Y"}</p>
<p>Email: {member:email}</p>
<p>{hook:street_address}, {hook:address_line_2}<br />{hook:city} {hook:postcode} {hook:state}</p>
<p>Phone: {hook:contact_phone}</p>
<p>Availability: {hook:m_availability}</p>
<p>Website: {hook:website_url}</p>
<p>Facebook: {hook:facebook_profile_url}</p>
<p>Twitter: {hook:twitter_profile_url}</p>
<p>YouTube: {hook:youtube_channel_url}</p>
<h3>Bio / Description</h3>
But, I get a PHP error on form submission. The email notification arrives but with the Availability field just outputting:
Availability: Array
I also tried:
So, I guess there's an issue with parsing arrays like checkboxes etc when using the ZV hook - or I'm simply doing it wrong.
Seems I cant win either way.
If anyone can point me in the direction of either:
a) Getting Parcel to send notification on register
b) Outputting the Availability data when using a Hook