$this->EE->functions->redirect(BASE . AMP . 'C=addons_modules' . AMP . 'M=show_module_cp' . AMP . 'module=module_name_here' . '#tabsettings');
EE v2.9.2
I want to redirect the user after the person submits the form, then it fires off the redirect function.
When I append #tabsettings, it redirects me to the Admin CP login form. Here is the URL it directs me to:
If I remove the #tabsettings, it will keep me within the module control panel, but I want it to load the settings view, which needs the #tabsettings to know which part of the view to load.
$this->EE->functions->redirect(BASE . AMP . 'C=addons_modules' . AMP . 'M=show_module_cp' . AMP . 'module=module_name_here');