I use the following simple search tag:

{exp:search:simple_form channel="content|symposium|whos_who|nieuws" results="9" search_in="entries" where="all" result_page="zoeken/index" no_result_page="zoeken/no-result" status="not closed"}

But weirdly enough, it displays entries when the search is done which are closed. It doesn't matter what I put the status parameter on. How can this happen?

  • Have you tried proper case "Closed"? I haven't tried just yet but from memory the default statuses of Open and Closed are case sensative for some weird and strange reason...
    – Blatant
    Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 13:43
  • Arvenzis, can you please edit your question and let us know the EE version you are using, and note that you are using EE Publisher module please? it's very relivent to the question. also, could you check you are not confusingthe output of the Publisher status as opposed tothe EE status (they are independant)
    – Blatant
    Commented Apr 13, 2015 at 9:34

2 Answers 2


Your question peaked my interest, so I put together a test on my sandbox. I admit this is an out of date EE2.8.1.

I tried out a number of variations however the one thing that springs out to me is that the "not" in status seems to cause unexpected results. For example I did a search with status="not open" and got no results (expecting 2), when I say "no results" I mean I got an error message about invalid action! Certainly not as expected.

I re-did the search with status="closed" and immediately got the 2 results I was execting.

So my conclusion is that the not part seems less than iron cast. through experimentation can I suggest you list the acceptible statuses in the status attribute, instead of "not" statuses?

If this works out for you, I'd perhaps pose it as a bug...

  • It does show only closed items when I say status="closed", but I'm trying to show the opened items. I've trying a lot of things, like: Open, open, opened, Opened, not closed, but it keeps showing the closed and the opened results. It might be a bug indeed.
    – Arvenzis
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 13:56
  • Are you absolutely, 100% sure all 4 of your channels have a Status Group applied in thier Group Preferences? This could cause issues as a channel with "none" set on Status Group in Group Preferences will allow admins to set a status in the CP, but may not be filterable! Can you double check your channel group preferences, also can you de-evolve your test to check one channel at a time? try status="open" and status="closed" for each channel and check each one works/fails. If we can narrow it down we can probably debug a bit more rather than a 1 line bug report...
    – Blatant
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 14:07
  • A little more debugging help, the piece of code that applies the status filter is located here /system/expressionengine//modules/search/mod.search.php Line : 664. I see it auto corrects Closed to closed and Open to open. I also see a strange comment on line 671 // add exclusion for closed unless it was explicitly used. This code definatly doesn't look strong, basically from waht I see the not clause may well be faulty!
    – Blatant
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 14:16
  • Last thing I note is that if you JUST want open entries, drop the status attribute completely, as if there's no status attribute it automatically filters on status='open'. One last place to check, the exp_channel_titles.status column in your DB, are these set as expected??
    – Blatant
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 14:16
  • if you wanted to see the query as its being built you can put die($sql); in the file around line 688 (after status calculation) or you could put it at line 1158 and you can copy the entire darned query into phpmyadmin/MySql and test it manually! Also, you haven't got entry date and/or expiration date issues have you? I notice you're not dealing with future entries so it'll apply an entry_date < now type query.
    – Blatant
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 14:23

Turns out it was a bug in the module Publisher. If anyone is experiencing the same problem, update Publisher and if that doesn't work, contact Boldminded.

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