We've just moved a site from the dev server to the live server and everything seems to be fine. However, the categories filtering on the blog doesn't seem to be working.

The URLs generated are:


The sidebar code for the categories is:

  {exp:channel:categories channel="blog" style="linear"}
  <li><a href="{path='blog/index'}">{category_name}</a></li>

The stripped down channel entries tag for "blog/index" is:

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog" orderby="entry_date" sort="desc" limit="5"}
{if no_results}No results{/if}
<section class="blog-overview">
    <div class="extract-text">
  <p class="publish-date">Published on {entry_date format="%l %j %F %Y"}</p>

What could I have missed during the site move? Where should I start looking to troubleshoot this?

Thanks for any advice


EDIT: Archives seems to be filtering though:


{exp:channel:month_links channel="blog" limit="12"}
    <li><a href="{path='blog/archives'}">{month} {year}</a></li>
  • Do you have some form of redirect or URL rewrites going on that's using something in an htaccess file?
    – foamcow
    Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 10:38
  • we have NSM .htaccess Generator and 'Detour Pro 1.3.2'. Just been told that 'Detour Pro' was not installed on the dev server - only the live server so it could redirect all the old URLs to their new locations. Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 10:49
  • I'm unfamiliar with those really but I would check that any redirects in the htaccess files are correct for the new server.
    – foamcow
    Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 10:51
  • I uninstalled Detour Pro and Removed the htaccess file altogether and the categories filtering still didn't work Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 11:17
  • archives seem to be working though Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 11:23

1 Answer 1


The issue was caused by a misconfiguration of the Freebie extension.

The Break on category URL indicator had been set to "Yes" which meant that Freebie was overwriting EE's native functionality for processing /channel/category/category-name

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