I have a fairly simple site set-up for a client and we're using Matrix to display images like a photo gallery. It's always been fine, but after upgrading her to EE 2.6.0, and Matrix 2.5.4, as well as CE Image 1.4.3 (all the latest versions), the content is no longer displaying. It just shows... nothing. Well, it shows the body field and the title, but it doesn't display the Matrix portion.
To troubleshoot, I've reinstalled the add-ons more than once, I've checked the code (it's been unchanged), I've checked the post that calls the images, everything is just as it has always been. I've gone into the Fieldtype to activate the upgrade, I've checked the channel field to ensure everything is kosher. All seems to be just as it should be. But still... nothing.
Here is the code:
{exp:channel:entries channel="photos" rdf="off" disable="paginate|trackbacks|member_data"}
<ul class="gallery">
{exp:ce_img:pair src="{photo}" max="500" height="100" width="100" crop="yes|top,center|0,0" allow_scale_larger="yes"}
<a class="tip7 group" href="{photo}" rel="lightbox[{entry_id}]" title="{caption}"><img src="{made}" alt="{caption}" title="{caption}" width="{width}" height="{height}" /></a>
I'm not sure what else to check? Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!
UPDATE! So, the trouble seems to be with the image, specifically. I was able to get other fields in the matrix to display, just not the "file", which is how the image is added. All the folders are set to 777 and they have a folder assigned to it in the channel fields settings.