I have a basic expressionengine template which I am using to display entries for 2 different channels. I am using an embed to pass different page layouts within the center of the template, this is based on conditionals.
{exp:channel:entries channel="dog|cat" limit="1" dynamic="yes"} (basic html here) {if channel == "dog"} {embed="tg/one"} {if:elseif channel == "cat"} {embed="tg/two"} {/if} (some basic html here) {/exp:channel:entries}
I have also tried using..
{exp:channel:entries channel="dog|cat" limit="1" dynamic="yes"} (basic html here) {if category_id == "100"} {embed="tg/one"} {if:elseif category_id == "200"} {embed="tg/two"} {/if} (some basic html here) {/exp:channel:entries}
When loading the final page, the parent template displays fine but doesn't show the appropriate embed or any embed for that matter.
It's probably worth noting that the embeds do not contain any expressionengine code, just html. Could someone please explain what I am doing wrong or the best method to accomplish this?