I'm building a a module and I am having trouble trying to load images for my css styles and views..

is there a way to do this?

file stucture: third_party:

  • module
    • javascript
    • css
    • views

I have tried '../images/file.png' but no go as obviously the path is incorrect on page render.

1 Answer 1


You'll need to use the themes folder to use assets like images. So use a file structure like this:


Then you can use ../images/my-image.png in your css files.

Use ee()->cp->add_to_head() to add the CSS to the CP's head-element.

Use ee()->cp->add_to_foot() to add any JS to the footer of the CP.

See also:

  • i was afraid that would be the answer.. will have to create an installer for the module then.. oh well.
    – 4razmus
    Commented Jun 14, 2013 at 11:41
  • also you can use: ee()->cp->load_package_css('main'); and ee()->cp->load_package_js('jquery-1.10.1.min'); to load css/js into the cp
    – 4razmus
    Commented Jun 14, 2013 at 11:43

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