I have multiple channels with different field groups, but several duplicate fields. For example:


  • products_bikes
  • products_skateboards
  • products_trikes


  • bikes_summary
  • skateboards_summary
  • trikes_summary

I use the same detail template to output info for all of the channels, but with the duplicate fields, I have to repeat the "summary" field 3 times:




And this isn't the only field that's repeated. So that can get pretty hairy, especially if I need to check if a field is empty or not, or if I want to add another product type in the future.

So ideally I'd be able to set a channel prefix, and use it in a single field tag:


I can't use the channel_short_name because it doesn't match up, so I figured Stash might be able to do it. I tried:

    {if channel_short_name == 'products_bikes'}
    {if channel_short_name == 'products_skateboards'}
    {if channel_short_name == 'products_trikes'}


But that output the text "{bikes_summary}" rather than parsed the field tag. I figure parse order has to do with it, but I'm not sure how to fix it - or if it's possible.

Thanks for any help!

3 Answers 3


The first thing I would ask is do you really need a fieldgroup for each product channel? Multiple channels can share the same fieldgroup and you can use publish layouts to hide the fields that are not relevant to a particular product. Using the same fieldgroup will also force you to generalise the fields you use which can be a good thing for rationalising your data structure.

If not then you could adopt the following approach. It does requires that you use a consistent naming scheme for your fields, e.g. channel_fieldname:

{!-- make a list of your channel prefixes --}
{exp:stash:set_list name="channels"}

{!-- make a list of your common field suffixes --}
{exp:stash:set_list name="fields"}

{!-- map channels and fields to generate tag pairs --}
{exp:stash:set name="mapped_fields" parse_tags="yes" parse_depth="2" type="snippet"}
   {exp:stash:get_list name="fields"}
         {exp:stash:get_list:nested name="channels"}

{!-- capture the data --}
{exp:stash:set parse_tags="yes" type="snippet"}
      channel='{exp:stash:get_list name="channels" backspace="1"}{channel}|{/exp:stash:get_list}'



{!-- example of using the data in your view template (Stash embed or EE embed) --}
{if summary}{summary}{/if}

{!-- example of using the data in the *same* template you capture the data --}
{if summary}{exp:stash:get name="summary" type="snippet"}{/if}

To make this even more robust, you could list the channels automatically using a plugin like Get Channels.

{exp:stash:set_list name="channels" parse_tags="yes"}
  • Yikes, that's almost more complicated than just duplicating the fields!
    – kmgdev
    Commented Jul 31, 2013 at 21:53
  • 1
    Super minor, but could you perhaps elaborate on the capturing and usage example? I have this {exp:stash:get name="date_to_use" type="snippet"} inside of a channel entries loop in the same template as the data capture, but no luck.
    – jpea
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 16:47

Stash doesn't work for this because their tow instances are parsed on the same parsing stage. So, when you call stash:channel_prefix its value isn't available yet.

Your better option is to remove the "products_" prefix from the short names of the channels.


I think basically if you wrap the second part in a {exp:stash:parse parse_vars="yes" parse_depth="2"} - it will be like the categories bit in my router basically.


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