I used DevDemon Updater to update an EE install from 2.5.2 to 2.7.0 -- worked great, as usual. But, now, Updater will not update any add-ons.
When trying to update any add-on, Updater looks like it's working correctly through each step--all the way to "Done." But it silently fails to make any changes to EE.
I don't see any PHP errors in the error log. I've checked the Updater settings, as well as the EE folders' file permissions. I can update add-ons manually (copying files) and also change things (content, settings) in EE via the control panel.
I've tried a variety of add-ons, including Assets2.1.4, Matrix2.5.6, Playa4.4.5, Wygwam3.1.2, low-reorder-v221, low-search-v231, snippet_sync-135 and others. And, I can see that DevDemon is successfully unzipping these add-on files into a folder under system/expressionengine/cache/updater. The files, however, are never being copied into the proper third_party folders.
Does anyone have this combo of EE 2.70 + DevDemon Updater 3.2.6 working properly? Are others seeing this issue?