I just upgraded EE to 2.7.1 and am having problems with my Playa (4.4.5) fields that pull in Assets (2.1.4) data. I have a 'homepage' channel with a Playa field that pulls articles from a 'features' channel, which includes an Assets field for (a single) image. Pulling any data from the Assets field (e.g., {url}) causes the template code for the Playa field to display, as if the parser has choked.

For example, this works fine (without the Assets field):

{exp:channel:entries channel="homepage"}
                <a href="{page_url}">more info</a>

But this (stripped-down version) doesn't:

{exp:channel:entries channel="homepage"}
                {feature_photo}<img src="{url}" >{/feature_photo} {!-- this is the Assets field --}
                <a href="{page_url}">more info</a>

which displays the following on the page:



more info


('Homepage' is the title of the homepage channel entry)

Assets fields seem to be working fine elsewhere on the site, just not within Playa fields. I did sync directories and update indexes, fyi.

Help? Thx!

1 Answer 1


This ended up being an issue with variable namespacing -- the following worked:

{exp:channel:entries channel="homepage"}
        {home_features var_prefix="feature"}
                {feature:feature_photo var_prefix="file"}<img src="{file:url}" >{/feature:feature_photo} {!-- this is the Assets field --}
                <a href="{feature:page_url}">more info</a>

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