I want to get the channel field data from entry id in my custom module. Is there any way to get the field data. If anyone knows, please help

1 Answer 1

  1. you can open file expressionengine/modules/channel/mod.channel.php and check function entries()

  2. you can use Channel-Data lib from Justin Kimbrell to simplify access to channel data.


    $entries = $this->EE->channel_data->get_channel_entries($channel_id, array(
        'select'    => array('*'),
        'where'     => array('channel_data.entry_id >' => 1),
        'order_by'  => 'title',
        'sort'      => 'ASC',
        'limit'     => 1,
        'offset'    => 5
  • Hi, can you please help me with few instructions - how to install Channel-Data. Where to put these files?
    – Krasimir
    Dec 2, 2013 at 9:19

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