I have my Field groups set up like so;


  • title
  • related_things [Playa]


  • title
  • content [Matrix]
    • content_text [Wygwam]
    • content_trail [Playa, assigns a Trail above]

When I edit a 'Thing', i'm adding multiple rows to the Matrix and assigning each {content_text} with a {content_trail}, which uses Playa:

enter image description here.

However, some rows may have the same Trail assigned in the {content_trail}. This is not a problem, but in the template I would like the content displayed and grouped by the {content_trail}.

Here is my updated code using Stash;

{!-- Iterate over an array of unique Trails in the list --}
{exp:stash:set_list name="@:content_trail" parse_tags="yes" parse_depth="33"}
    {!-- For each Trail output a data for the matching Trail --}
    {exp:stash:get_list name='@:content'
        {!-- This is the content_text column from the content Matrix table --}
        {stash:content_trail}{exp:playa:children col="content_trail"}{title}{/exp:playa:children}{/stash:content_trail}

{exp:stash:get_list name='@:content_trail' unique="yes"}
    {!-- Get the unique Trail title --}
    {!-- Get all content_text Matrix rows for this Trail --}
    {exp:stash:get_list:nested name="@:content" prefix="result" orderby="total" match="#^{content_trail}$#" against="content_trail"}


What this is now doing is successfully getting the unique content_trail Playa data and displaying it all in one h2 tag like: Aviation TrailHeritage Trail, instead of creating two separate h2's. Also, it is not displaying the content_text rows that match the unique content_trail's.

  • 1
    Look at Stash Module (github.com/croxton/Stash). Will most likely help you do what you want. Here are the docs: github.com/croxton/Stash/wiki
    – Anna_MediaGirl
    Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 16:51
  • Thanks Anna. I'm familiar with Stash and have used it extensively, but i'm still somewhat stuck on how to proceed. Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 22:42
  • If you do use Stash, you could do something similar to this: devot-ee.com/add-ons/support/stash/viewthread/10127 but instead of 'distance' being unique in that example you would use iterate over 'content_trail'. Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 3:34
  • Thanks @Romans-8---31-39. I've added some updated code using the Stash example that gets me part way there, along with a new issue. Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 10:08
  • Instead of increasing parse depth in the first part and running playa, try setting all that before -- leaving you with only the {stash:content_trail}{your_already_set_stash_var}{/stash:content_trail} in your example. See how the first post set the first stash variable of 'distance' (Mark just recommended he combine his first 2 set lists into one). Confusing, but it looks like you're almost there. Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 15:34

1 Answer 1


I went ahead and messed around with what you had done so far, and you should be able to use the following to get started. It works when I tested it, but you'll of course need to put your own field names in. (Based on this support thread: "Simulating 'group by' filtering and sorting.")

{!-- ---------------------- 
ONE -  Grab all possible trails, and other variables needed.
---------------------- --}
        status="not closed"

        {!--   matrix   --}
        {YOUR_MATRIX_FIELD_NAME var_prefix="mx"}

            {!--   playa column   --}
                {mx:YOUR_PLAYA_COLUMN_NAME var_prefix="pl"}

            {!--   another column   --}
            {!--   ...continue adding any other matrix variables you will need to output later...   --}



{!-- ---------------------- 
TWO - Iterate over an array of unique Trails in the list.
---------------------- --}
{exp:stash:set_list name="@:content_trail" parse_tags="yes"}

{!-- ---------------------- 
THREE - Output with formatting.
---------------------- --}
{exp:stash:get_list name='@:content_trail' unique="yes"}

    {!-- Get the unique Trail title --}

    {!-- Get all other Matrix data you've set that match this Trail --}
    {exp:stash:get_list:nested name="@:content" match="#^{trail}$#" against="trail"}

        {!--   ...output any other variables you have set with formatting...   --}
        <p>Second variable: {second}</p>

  • Genius. Thank you so much. Just need to be able to figure how to get the url_title from the playa field now and I'm done. :) Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 22:39
  • Hey @Romans-8---31-39. If I needed to get other data from the Playa relationship, how would i get that in this instance? Commented Nov 26, 2013 at 15:50

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