I am using Exp:resso Store 1.6.4. We developed stuff so that when a user purchases a product they will, as Zoo Visitor members, acquire the categories associated with that product. We now want to apply a discount to a product provided they have a certain category. Right now I'm looking for the simplest way to do this that remains secure, i.e. the user cannot change anything around.
Currently our purchase process is a price/description page with a register button (this is the Product Tag/form with a specified entry_id and empty_cart (is there any way to lock empty_cart, i.e. prevent it from being changed?)). Clicking the register button takes them to the checkout page which shows their member registration (if a guest) details, billing details, order details, and payment method.
If I create a product modifier that affects the price, anyone can add that modifier to the Product Tag's form. If I create another product anyone can change the hidden input's entry id to that of the new product. How can we securely lock down a price? Is there a way to, e.g. enable/use Sale Price while it's not enabled?
actually while writing this I realized at least for now I can attempt to check the details on the membership details on the Checkout page for this one specific product... but that's not really going to be feasible down the line.
Anyone have ideas for a quick fix? Don't have time to build add-ons for this kind of feature at the moment (and won't have time probably up until next year). But if you have an idea how to take that route I'm all ears, too.