Im pretty sure the problem here is the parse order, but I'm struggling to figure out where the issue is.
I have a page with the following on it:
{exp:stash:set name="market_ids" parse_tags="yes"}
{exp:query sql="select GROUP_CONCAT(entry_id SEPARATOR '|') as market_ids from exp_channel_data where channel_id=3 AND field_id_12 LIKE CONCAT('%', DAYNAME(from_unixtime({exp:stash:delivery_day})), '%')" parse="inward"}
Then further on in the page I have the following:
{exp:low_search:results limit="{exp:stash:paging default='12' type='snippet'}" channel="products" status="not closed" child:cf_product_market="{exp:stash:market_ids}" child:cf_product_delivery_zone="{fn_zone_id}" paginate="bottom"}
The Paging stash entry is set on another page with scope="site" and type="snippet" and that works fine, however the {exp:stash:market_ids} is just not being recognised in the tag. I've output the value to the page and its definitely got data in the entry.
I've tried adding parse="inward" to the {exp:low_search:results} tag, but that doesn't appear to make any difference either.
Is there something else that I need to do to make this work?