I've always had this problem with categories in EE. I want to be able somehow to specify which categories show in the URL & a custom breadcrumb setup I've created.
For example, if I had the following setup...
Category Group 1
Category 1.1
Category 1.2
Category 1.3
Category 1.4
Category Group 2
Category 2.1
Category 2.2
Category 2.3
Category 2.4
Both assigned to a channel called "Products". Now every time I create a product I can choose which category the product goes in to.
For example...
Product 1, will go in Category 1.1, Category 1.2 and Category 2.4
But when I output the categories and limit it to just 2 in the URL doing something like...
{site_url}products/{categories limit="2"}{category_url_title}/{/categories}/{url_title}
It would also pick up on the first two categories category...
Is there anyway to make it specify which category to show?
This is an issue for one of our clients because they have MANY category groups and assign products to many categories. So if the groups were...
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
It still only displays the categories in the URL from Group 1, none of the others. Ideally this would help the SEO and the make the URL's make more sense if they could specify which categories appear in the URL.