I've looked through the questions and responses here in EESE and I've looked at the couple of add-ons that were mentioned. Tracker by Solspace seems close to what I want, but but not quite.
I'm looking to track views of entries - but not just raw numbers as the native entry tracking will allow. I would like to track, at an entry level, which logged-in members have viewed a given entry. Then create a reports template that displays this information. So essentially I want to capture the member ID of the logged in user whenever a specific entry from a given channel is loaded. Is that possible?
I thought of having each link to a single entry template in fact be a channel form submission of entry ID and member ID. But that may be more work than it's worth if there is already a simpler way to achieve this. And it doesn't help me with pages that contain multiple entries (list-view templates). This is a site that is entirely member based
I would appreciate any advice the community can provide.