I'm using Stash to set a value like so;

{exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{title}"}

However, I have now added a new channel field {news_meta_title} and would like to pass this as the value of "head_title" if it has been entered, otherwise just use {title}.

I have tried doing this, but it didn't work;

{if news_meta_title}
    {exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{news_meta_title}"}
    {exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{title"}

I was wondering if anyone had any pointers?

I know that it's all down to parse order, but not sure on how to resolve this.

  • 1
    We need to lobby Croxton for the addition of a default parameter on the various set tags... Jan 31, 2014 at 17:14

3 Answers 3


There is in fact a default="" parameter available for Stash set, however it only comes into play if you define a match parameter to test the value being set against a regular expression:

Thus this will do what you want:

{exp:stash:set name="head_title" match="#^\S+#" default="{title}"}{news_meta_title}{/exp:stash:set}

One problem with this approach however is that if you pass a variable as a default value (e.g. {title}) - and that value contains double quotes - that will blow up the parameters and throw a template parse error.

Switchee provides a simple way around this problem because you can pass a reference to the Stash variable to evaluate (rather than the variable value itself) by prefixing the name with stash:

{exp:stash:set name="head_title"}{news_meta_title}{/exp:stash:set}

{exp:switchee variable="stash:head_title" parse="inward"}
    {case value=""}
        {exp:stash:set name="head_title"}{title}{/exp:stash:set}

Alternatively, blocks allow you to provide a fallback value when you get the variable - this can be useful if alternative markup is required when the default value is used:

For example:

{exp:stash:set name="head_title"}{news_meta_title}{/exp:stash:set}
{exp:stash:set name="entry_title"}{title}{/exp:stash:set}

{exp:stash:block name="head_title"}
    {!-- fallback value if "head_title" is empty --}
  • Awesome, thanks so much Mark. I'll give this a try. Feb 4, 2014 at 10:49
  • Hey Mark, when I used the Switchee method it broke the page and ended up showing a lot of EE tags instead of content. When I used the Block method, this worked. however, when I then removed the meta title from the entry to test - the page still showed the meta title. Is this just to do with caching? Feb 4, 2014 at 12:17
  • Bingo. I tried the switchee method again after realising that because my use case required the switchee to be nested so I just needed to remove the 'exp:' from the opening and closing tags. Feb 4, 2014 at 12:23

I guess you could wrap that whole block with {exp:stash:parse process="end"} ... {/exp:stash:parse} to make it all parse at the end. Like this

{exp:stash:parse process="end"}
    {if news_meta_title}
        {exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{news_meta_title}"}
        {exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{title"}

Mark's docs are here.

  • Thanks Scott. For some reason it just outputs the field name rather than the content of the field. :/ Jan 31, 2014 at 13:13
  • 1
    Ah, then perhaps it's time for some switchee magic. Jan 31, 2014 at 13:28

I think this might be due to using an advanced conditional, which I guess could result in parse order issues.

Maybe this would work:

{if news_meta_title}
    {exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{news_meta_title}"}
{if news_meta_title == ""}
    {exp:stash:set_value name="head_title" value="{title}"}

If not, have you tried adding parse="inward" as Mark mentions in the documentation?

Alternatively, you could try this set-up instead, which works for me:

{exp:stash:set name="head_title" parse_conditionals="yes"}
    {if news_meta_title}
    {if news_meta_title == ""}
  • Thanks Katrin, not sure why it won't work for me. It displays correct if there is a meta title entered, but if the field is empty then it won't show the title. Jan 31, 2014 at 15:07
  • 1
    What happens if you do this: {exp:stash:set name="head_title" parse_conditionals="yes"} {title} {exp:stash:set}? Does the title show then? Without knowing the rest of your template code and set-up, it's hard to pinpoint where the issue could lie.
    – Katrin
    Jan 31, 2014 at 15:27
  • 1
    edited above to close {title}. that might be your issue now. Jan 31, 2014 at 17:58
  • Well spotted Stephen!
    – Katrin
    Jan 31, 2014 at 18:01

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