I have run into the strangest "bug" with EE. I was running 2.5.2 and kept having any text input fields default to 12 characters instead of the normal 128. So I bit the bullet and upgraded to 2.5.5, hoping that would solve the problem. No luck. I just created a new text field, set the default character limit to 128, saved it and when I went back in it had gone back to 12 characters.

Is there a solution for this?


1 Answer 1


I believe this was an issue with CartThrob. Do you have CartThrob installed. I recall troubleshooting the issue with someone on Twitter, @JasonTurcotte. It was a conflict with CartThrob, but I'm not certain if an official fix was released.

I've linked to the conversation, so that you can contact Jason or CartThrob if you like. If CartThrob isn't installed, it's possibly a different conflict.

  • Now it all comes clear. Thanks for sharing this information. I do have CartThrob installed and I'll work around the limitation until he comes up with a fix. Thanks.
    – forrest
    Commented Dec 21, 2012 at 19:28

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