I'm assisting a colleague and for the life of me I can't understand what's happening.
-Multi-site (full site and mobile version) -Attempting to share "company information" social icons from the Full website to the Mobile site. -Using Matrix 2.4.3 and EE 2.5.3
{exp:channel:entries channel="company_info" limit="1" disable="categories|member_data|pagination" entry_id="2" site="default_site"}
{company_social_media}{image}<a href="{url}" rel="publisher" target="_blank"><img src="{site_url}{image}" alt="{alt}"/></a>{/company_social_media}
We are getting the {ALT} and the {URL} but NOT the image. We were using "ed_img_sizer" and stripped that code out to just hold the {image} (as shown above) to no avail.
Does anyone know if this is a known bug or would a simple upgrade fix these issues? Doesn't make any sense why we would get the URL and ALT but not the IMAGE source.
Thanks for the help...