I have a Grid field (called 'beneficiaries') that I'm using to hold a list of first names and last names of beneficiaries, but I'm struggling to get a template to output the total number of rows my Grid field's currently holding. I'm able to output the entire field with the currently submitted data, using:
{exp:channel:form channel="beneficiary" return="/next_page" entry_id="8"}
And that works great.
Now I just want to print to the screen the total number of rows, much like:
{exp:channel:form channel="beneficiary" return="/next_page" entry_id="8"}
Total: {beneficiaries:total_rows}<br />
Total: {beneficiaries:field_total_rows}<br />
Total: {field:beneficiaries:total_rows}<br />
Total: {field:beneficiaries:field_total_rows}<br />
Which only returns the following:
Total: {beneficiaries:total_rows}
Total: {beneficiaries:field_total_rows}
Am I doing something painfully obviously wrong? I've read and re-read the documentation to no avail, and I have no idea what I could be doing wrong. Any help as to why I can't seem to display the row count would be greatly appreciated.