I have run into a strange situation where a Backward Slash \ is being added to the end of each sentence in the search excerpt field just before each period. For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit\. Vivamus et sodales nunc\. Aenean sit amet massa at ante porttitor euismod a sit amet ante\. Morbi vitae est eu ante rutrum cursus sit amet nec nunc\. Aliquam erat volutpat\. Curabitur eget odio arcu, vel fermentum felis\. Sed pellentesque lorem ac nibh…
It happens no matter what type of field I have set as the excerpt (RTE or Textarea).
The search results template is fairly straightforward:
<div class="content group">
<h1>Resultados de la búsqueda</h1>
<div class="article primary d-all">
<p>You searched for <strong>{exp:search:keywords}</strong>
and got {exp:search:total_results}{total_results}{/exp:search:total_results} result{if "{exp:search:total_results}" != 1}s{/if}.</p>
<li><a href="{site_url}{auto_path}">{title}</a> {excerpt}</li>
The slash is not being displayed within the entry template, just in the search results template.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Updated to show text with slashes. It was removed by the SE template for some reason.