I'm trying to only output the heading "Comments" when there are actually comments for a blog post.

Here's what I have:

{if total_comments >= 1}<h3>Comments</h3>{/if}
{exp:comment:entries sort="asc" limit="20"}
    <div class="text-block">
        <p id="author">By {name} on {current_time format="%F %d %Y"}</p>

Any help is much appreciated!

1 Answer 1


Before closing the Channel Entries tag, you can use the comment_total variable. Or if that does not work with your markup, you can use count conditionals in the Comment Entries tag (not nested inside your Channel Entries tag):

{exp:comment:entries sort="asc" limit="20"}
    {if count == 1}<h3>Comments</h3>{/if}
    <div class="text-block">
        <p id="author">By {name} on {current_time format="%F %d %Y"}</p>

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