So i keep getting an error when adding more images to the second Content-Elements field on one of my pages.

I have one for the maincontent and this one seems to work with an "infinite" amount of images. The second one, who is also parsed last gives me this error:


Unable to load the requested class: assets_lib

The first field currently has 3 Assets-elements with at total of 28 images.

When i try to add more than 4 images to the same kind of Element in the second field i get the error above?

I am not sure where to go next, is there a way to get more info out of EE's error manager. A file and row # would be a nice start. :P

Is this a problem with Content-Elements or with Assets?

Is there anything i can add to help out?

- EE: 2.8.1
- Assets: 2.3.1
- Content-Elements: 1.6.9 - Stash: 2.5.1

Template code
I keep the Elements-part in a Stash embed, the part that handles assets is:


<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span3">
    <a href="{url}" class="gallery" rel="{element_name}_{element_id}">
      <img src="{url:150x150}" alt="{alt_text}" title="{title}">
{switch="|||</div><br /><div class='row-fluid'>"}


the part of the page template that embeds them looks like this:

{exp:stash:content parse="inwards"}

<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span7">

    {stash:embed:components:content_elements_parser process="start"}

  <div class="span4 offset1 subtopmargin">

    {stash:embed:components:content_elements_parser process="start"}



{if page-modules-bottom}
<div class="row-fluid content">
  <div class="span12">
  • I am having this same error using Content Elements and Assets. I have my CE code in a Low Variables variable. It used to work, then I added some more conditionals for different element names, and now it's broken. Will be watching your question to see what develops.
    – Amy Witty
    Commented May 7, 2014 at 19:57

1 Answer 1


Open up ft.assets.php file (located at third_party/assets/ft.assets.php), find the method "replace_element_tag" and add this as the first line in that method:


Sometimes EE would lose that package path and I'm not entirely sure why.

  • Works like a charm! :) Commented May 27, 2014 at 14:33
  • Andris - I'm getting the same error when attempting to edit an entry with an Assets field in the CP, and I applied your fix with no change. I'm on the latest version of Assets + EE 2.7.3, any thoughts? Commented Jun 2, 2014 at 22:06
  • I had this issue on a custom module when loading up the asset_lib. Added Andris' line above "$this->EE->load->library('assets_lib');" and it worked a treat. Commented Jan 29, 2016 at 15:24

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