I am managing careers on a client's website, and am trying to properly add a mailto link below each career description with an email address from one of the publish fields, as well as adding the subject to be the entry title of the career. I can't figure out how to properly format the entry title with %20 instead of a space. How can I do this? Here is my current code:
<p><em>Applicants should email resumés to <a href="{mailto_email}" target="blank">{mailto_email}</a>.</em></p>
The client wants the email address to be displayed (not encoded), so I am just displaying everything as default. I'm assuming my code will look something like the following, but with the entry title formatted somehow:
<p><em>Applicants should email resumés to <a href="{mailto_email}?subject={title}" target="blank">{mailto_email}</a>.</em></p>