I'm simply trying to display member photos, but cannot get my custom member group photos to display.

I am using the following code:

<span id="member-photo">
  <img src="{photo_url}" alt="{username}">

If I do this outside of a tag entry pair, I get the following code:

<span id="member-photo">
  <img src="{photo_url}" alt="adminname">

But if I put this inside of a channel entry I get the proper:

<span id="member-photo">
    <img alt="adminname" src="http://local.domain.com/uploads/member/photos/photo_1.png">

The problem is that when inside of the channel entry tag pair, it will show only the author of that entry's photo. How can I get this to show the logged in member's photo?

1 Answer 1


The reason the images were not displaying is because they needed to be wrapped in EE's custom profile data tag pairs. The following code is the fix:

    <span id="member-photo">
            <img src="{photo_url}" alt="{username}">

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