The main issue I’m having, and this is a general issue, is because the products are part of a range. In essentially the same way as an iPad where you have options of 16gb, 32gb or 64gb memory with wi-fi or wi-fi & mobile options our ranges work in a similar fashion, some with far more complex options.
As with the iPad, it can be said there are 6 different products reflecting the options, our products are similar and instead of showing, for example, 6 products that all look the same from the outside we’re promoting the product range and have an options panel so the end user can select their requirements and a product model is defined for them.
This is part of a complete redesign I am working on but the current site has this functionality working (My boss liked it so much he wanted me to add it before I developed the new site!!) and you can see it in the left hand panel here
It’s built on jQuery so is all client side and just passes a catalogue number to the cart. The problem I’m having is I can’t seem to replicate that function. There are some models that are set from 1 option that would work with a product modifier but there are many with more than 1 option and it is not (from what I can gather?!) possible to use multiple product modifiers.
Any solution would be greatly appreciated.
Further more, from what I’m noticing one entry is being rendered in the JavaScript code that’s generated, Is that what is used to send info to the cart??? If I was able to generated an array of all the models in the range then I'm hoping that would work but I'm unsure as to how to do that.
Much appreciated Jon