Running into an issue with CE Image 2.4.1 on an ExpressionEngine 2.5.3.
The code below is grabbing an image from a Matrix 2.5.2 field. In the first line, with the tag, the image displays as expected. In the second line, where CE Image enters the picture, the image neither appears nor is cropped.
<img src="{mx_image}" />
{exp:ce_img:single src="{mx_image}" width="200" height="200" crop="yes|center,center"}
Following the troubleshooting instructions on the CE Image website, I enabled Template Debugging and I am seeing this when I load the page:
*** CE Image debug: Base path: '/usr/local/apache/htdocs/'
*** CE Image debug: Source image: '[REDACTED_URL]/images/uploads/adidas-apparel1.jpg', Fallback image: ''
*** CE Image debug: Source image is not readable or does not exist: '/images/uploads/adidas-apparel1.jpg'.
*** CE Image debug: Fallback source image is not readable or does not exist: ''.
If I take the URL from the second line, the image loads as expected in my browser, so isn't the source image both readable and exists?