I'm trying to use the PHP String fun plug-in to evaluate whether a current entry belongs to a specific channel and then show/hide a register prompt depending upon that. So I have a snippet:

{sn_content_channels_closed} = "content_guides|content_videos|content_white-papers"

Then the channel in question is "content_white-papers", however the template code below fails to return TRUE 'unless' I place the {channel_name} variable somewhere else in the template in addition to here:

{if '{exp:phpstringfun function="substr_count" par1="{channel_name}"}{sn_content_channels_closed}{/exp:phpstringfun}'=='1'}

Of course I could do that but I'd like to understand why this doesn't work, Parse order... EE WTF... something else?

  • Are you using this same tag with the same content and parameter somewhere else on the template?
    – Sobral
    Jun 27, 2014 at 19:37
  • Hi Robson, no it occurs just the once in the template. Jun 29, 2014 at 11:22

1 Answer 1


ugh, I came across what looks like the same thing a while ago: plugin value in a template conditional

It's really odd. You could try ifify: http://devot-ee.com/add-ons/ifify

... though these days I think I'd attempt this more cleanly using Stash's get_list with match against parameters.

  • Thanks James, as I saw including the variable I'm testing elsewhere in the page causes the conditional to evaluate correctly but it's too fragile for my liking so I will definitely check out Ifify! :) Jun 29, 2014 at 11:26

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