I have a Homepage channel setup with a homepage
field group.
Within the field group, there is a homepage_slider
Grid field and within that Grid there is an image
and page_link
When called in via the following {homepage_slider:image}
renders correctly (the image shows without issue.
However, using the following:
<a href="{homepage_slider:page_link}{homepage_slider:page_link:pager}{/homepage_slider:page_link}">
Renders only as:
<a href="{/">
Outside of the it appears to work and display the correct page_uri
Looking at the syntax, it looks like it should be OK and I've trawled through the other settings inside the CMS without much luck in terms of debugging. I've also incrementally removing elements of the template and the problem occurs as soon as the element goes inside of the <a href="">
EDIT: Here is the full code block:
<div class="slide">
<a href="{homepage_slider:page_link}{homepage_slider:page_link:page_uri}{/homepage_slider:page_link}">{exp:ce_img:single src="{homepage_slider:image}" width="960" height="450" crop="yes"}</a>
(Note: Running EE 2.8.1)
field is a Relationship field within the Grid. My apologies.