I have a list of dynamic entries I want to split evenly between two columns. Is there a way to do this?
3 Answers
Use jQuery. Something like this maybe: http://johndoesdesign.com/blog/2012/jquery/how-to-split-a-dynamic-list-into-two-equal-columns-using-jquery/
If they have to be in absolutely two columns, you can make two channel entries calls and use the expressionengine modulus (%) operator
<section class="column1">
{exp:channel:entries channel="foo"}
{if count % 2 == 0}
<section class="column2">
{exp:channel:entries channel="foo"}
{if count % 2 == 1}
But that means that you are doubling your queries. I would suggest trying an alternate html/css layout that allows you to make a single channel entries call.