I've been a bit frustrated with the process of updating EE in past few months so I'd like to learn best practices from the community so I can alleviate my pain a bit. I manage my site with Git and Github and deploy to two bare repos (dev, prod).
Here it is how I do it currently:
- Download the latest version from Ellislab
- Dump my prod database and import it locally
- Create a separate branch for the update
- Follow the instructions on Ellislab on how to update
- After update is done I merge the branch onto master
- Import database to prod
- And finally push my merged master branch to Github and then dev.
On average, this process takes somewhere between 30 min to 1 hour. It depends on the size of your site (database, configuration, modules, etc).
What's flawed with my process? Is there a better process, if so what do you recommend? I'm eager to hear your suggestion and learn from you all!