In 2.5.3 with Playa 4.3.3, the following setup worked, but after an upgrade to 2.8.1 and a rebuild of the channel:form, submissions are not working.
I have a channel:form, with several input fields that are submitting correctly. I also have an embed that contains a channel entries loop, so I can display video previews, plus the checkbox for the Playa field. I had this working before in the same setup (same field and channel), but now when it submits, no relationships are made.
{exp:channel:form dynamic_title="[order_tv_retailer_name]" channel="store_tv_orders" return="{segment_1}/{segment_2}/order/ENTRY_ID" entry_id="{segment_4}" error_handling="inline" datepicker="no" use_live_url="no" include_assets="no" include_jquery="no" class="form-horizontal form-bordered" site="msm_site"}
{!-- INSIDE OF EMBED {embed=""} --}
{exp:channel:entries channel="tv_commercials" disable="category_fields|member_data" site="msm_site" search:tv_commercials_brand="{site_short_name}\W"}
{tv_commercials_asset kind="=video" var_prefix="file"}
<input type="checkbox" id="order_tv_selection_{entry_id}" value="{entry_id}" name="order_tv_selection[selections][]" class="form-control" required>
{!-- END OF EMBED --}
.....more input fields that submit correctly.....
The intention is to make a Playa relationship using channel:form and an embed that loops through the channel entries I would like to relate. I'm following the documentation for a channel:form checkbox for Playa to a tee (
Thank you for any suggestions and assistance!