I'm using tags as a filter example here: http:// devsite2 . desworkdev . co . uk/selector (Test site). The number of products with a specific tag is show next to each tag name.
On certain tags, when I click through the number of products shown doesn't match. E.g. semi sweet (6) should have 6 products with that tag, however when I click through only 5 products are showing.
Could someone please let me know what could be causing this?
- ExpressionEngine v2.9.0
- Tag 4.2.7
Code on the tag list page
{exp:tag:cloud channel="products" tag_group_name="default" limit="100"}
<li><input type="checkbox" name="filter[]" value="{websafe_tag}"> <a href="{path='selector/tag'}/{websafe_tag}">{tag} ({total_entries})</a></li>
Code on the tag entry page
{exp:tag:entries inclusive="yes" sort="asc"}
<div class="box3col">
{if no_tag_results}
<h2>No products match your tag selection</h2>
<a href="{url_title_path='products/detail'}">
{if new_product !=""}
<span class="new"><img src="{site_url}images/interface/new.png" alt="New product" /></span>
{if image_1 !=""}
<img src="{image_1}" alt="" />
<img src="{site_url}images/uploads/default.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="copare-code-wrapper">
<div class="prod-code"><p>Product code</p>{if recipe_code !=""}{recipe_code}{if:else}N/A{/if}</div>
<div class="info light">
<h2>{title}</h2><p><a href="{url_title_path='products/detail'}">More info</a></p>
URL: http://devsite2.desworkdev.co.uk/selector/tag/semi+sweet