New to Stash and here is what I'm trying to accomplish. But so far, no such luck.

I have two templates - manage-social-media.html and .layout-account.html

Manage-social-media.html Here I am gathering all of my content to pass to the layout-account template. I am using Zoo Visitor, and I have a custom field for “Permissions” (cf_member_firm_permissions) that I’d like to check to see if they can edit their content, or view only. So the custom field (Fieldpack - Dropdown) looks like this:

... : Select One read-only : Read Only editor : Editor

What I want to do is test that variable to see what it is, then set some stash variables accordingly. Mainly, if they are read-only, I’d like to do the following:

Set Stash variable for: “Read Only Message” - To tell them why they are unable to edit, and who they can contact. Set Stash variable for: “Disalbe form” - I was thinking that I would just add the stash variable (i.e. “disable” to the form fields so they could read them but not edit. Any other suggestions?

So I got the value for {cf_member_firm_permissions} by doing the following:


From there, I can’t get it to work. I’ve tried wrapping the above in a “stash”, wrapping the above around a “stash”, using a switchee statement to test the value of {cf_member_firm_permissions}, using a switchee statement to test the value of stash:user_permissions (after I’ve set it). I can’t get anything to do what I want.

Of course, all of the above is set within a stash variable “main_content” which is pulled into the layout template.

Here is some of the code that I've tried:

    {exp:switchee variable="{cf_member_firm_permissions}" parse="inward"}
        {case value="read-only"}
        <h3>Hello Reader Permissions</h3>
        {exp:stash:set name="permissions"} disabled{/exp:stash:set}


        {case value="editor"}
        <h3>Hello Editor Permissions</h3>

It displays "Hello Reader Permissions", but won't display anything else.

  • Probably need to see more of your code. Make sure you have parse_tags="yes" and parse_depth params added to your stash set tag. Your stash might not be parsing the zoo tag. Does your main_content var pull anything into layout-account? Commented Sep 18, 2014 at 11:03
  • Sorry for the delay. My main_content var pulls the other content, that is basic channel entries stuff. I was even trying to just post the values of the stash variables and that wasn't working. My code has changed so many times that I'll have to run a few more tests and repost. I was using parse_tags="yes", but not the parse_depth (wasn't aware of that). I will try that and see. Is it better to wrap the stash around the {exp:zoo_visitor:details}, or the other way around?
    – Todd
    Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 14:04
  • 1
    What about rethinking your approach a bit, and using switchee just output the form in the case of an editor, and output form values (minus the form) in the case of read-only? Or is your form on the layout template? Commented Sep 21, 2014 at 2:05
  • Where are you getting the permissions variable (I can see where it's set, but there's no get tag)?
    – Tyssen
    Commented Sep 21, 2014 at 2:40
  • @Tyssen I didn't include that but it was right below. I used both a {exp:stash:get name="permissions"} and {exp:stash:permissions} - neither of them worked.
    – Todd
    Commented Sep 21, 2014 at 20:11

2 Answers 2


If you're setting and getting in the same template, I think you need {exp:stash:parse}.


Here is what I ended up doing

     {exp:stash:set name="permissions"}{cf_member_firm_permissions}{/exp:stash:set}

Then this is below

    {exp:switchee variable="stash:permissions" parse="inward"}
       {case value="editor"}
         Do this....
         My editable form
       {case value="read-only"}
         Do this....
         My read-only form

Everything seems to be working with this set up.

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