I was successfully using the following block of code until I upgraded to EE 2.9.0.

{exp:query sql="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS itemCount FROM exp_freeform_form_entries_4 WHERE form_field_52 = 'yes'"}
        {if 15 > {itemCount}}
                  <td><label for="setup_1">Mon. Dec. 9, Setup/iron - 9am-noon: {exp:query sql="SELECT 15 - COUNT( * ) AS itemNeeded FROM exp_freeform_form_entries_4 WHERE form_field_52 = 'yes'"}{itemNeeded}{/exp:query} needed </label>
                  <input type="checkbox" name="setup_1" id="setup_1" value="Yes" /></td>
            <td>Monday 9-noon is full</td>

Now however I get the following error message when I try and load the page:


You have an invalid conditional in your template. Please review your conditionals for an unclosed string, invalid operators, a missing }, or a missing {/if}.

Parser State: Unexpected end of Template “apex/volunteer-form” on line 2; expected ENDIF tag for opening on line 1.

I have carefully checked the page and don't see any missing {/if} or }. Any suggestions for what I am missing here?

  • Did you try removing the brackets from "{if 15 > {itemCount}}" to "{if 15 > itemCount}" OR to "{if 15 > '{itemCount}'}"?? Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 19:40
  • Mark, I did try both of those, but without success. That is where the problem is, because if I replace {itemCount} with a number like 6, the error goes away. Is there another way to do itemCount?
    – forrest
    Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 19:51
  • And you verified that itemCount is in fact outputting? I thought there was a conditional bug reported with 2.9 but I can't find it :// did you try upgrading to 2.9.2? Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 19:58
  • Yes it does provide an output and does not through an error, unless I put it inside the if statement.
    – forrest
    Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 20:10

1 Answer 1


I did some experimenting and with some leading questions from Mark was lead to discover that {itemCount} needs to be inside of quotes but not inside of { }.

So the final solution is:

{exp:query sql="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS itemCount FROM exp_freeform_form_entries_4 WHERE form_field_52 = 'yes'"}
        {if 15 > "itemCount"}
                  <td><label for="setup_1">Mon. Dec. 9, Setup/iron - 9am-noon: {exp:query sql="SELECT 15 - COUNT( * ) AS itemNeeded FROM exp_freeform_form_entries_4 WHERE form_field_52 = 'yes'"}{itemNeeded}{/exp:query} needed </label>
                  <input type="checkbox" name="setup_1" id="setup_1" value="Yes" /></td>
            <td>Monday 9-noon is full</td>

With the conditional as:

{if 15 > "itemCount"}
  • Ahh haa! Happy to hear you got it sorted out. Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 20:29

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