Bit of an odd/exceptional issue but we are using CartThrobn on a site to sell subscriptions. We want to be able to offer a reduced price subscription if a certain coupon code is added at checkout.

We are currently applying the subscription to a specific, user-generated entry via the subscription_plan_id and subscription attributes of {exp:cartthrob:add_to_cart_form}.

I'm guessing we'd need to write our own discount/coupon class but not sure then how we'd then essentially switch the plan to another on submission of a specific coupon code.

Any thoughts how this might be achieved?



  • Wouldn't that be the way that coupons normally work? You would create a coupon entry for the discount and if added to the cart (by entering the code) then it would subtract an amount from the total.
    – foamcow
    Nov 21, 2014 at 9:35
  • This would be for life though, eg so a discount based on the plan cost. Nov 21, 2014 at 10:04
  • Ah I see. So if the normal price is £10 per month, the discount is for £2. They would pay £8 per month, every month. I'm actually surprised it doesn't work like that anyway.
    – foamcow
    Nov 21, 2014 at 10:14


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