I have a template that is supposed to display only one entry.
Instead it is pulling all entries from the particular channel and not paying any attention to the dynamic='no' parameter.
I have created many versions of this template, removing more and more code including changing the template group and name but nothing seems to work. It even ignores the "limit" parameter
Version: EE 2.9.2 using Switchee to parse segments 2 and 3
Channel Entries Tag:
{exp:channel:entries channel='products' dynamic='yes' disable='categories|category_fields|member_data|pagination|trackbacks'}
Sample Url:
Segment 1: products - Template Group
Segment 2: wardrobes - Category not used by anything in channel entries
Segment 3: cover - URL Title
Switchee Template: products/index.html
{exp:switchee variable='{segment_2}' parse='inward'}
{case value="''"}
{case default="Yes"}
{switchee variable='{segment_3}' parse='inward'}
{case value="''"}
{case default="Yes"}