asked this on stackoverflow before realizing there was a stackexchange site for expression engine, hope nobody minds i'm copying my question to here.
i am modifying an expression engine channel entry, there are a number of fields for this channel in a group and two are grids. in the template, i have loops that go through the rows in the grid and output various fields. this is all working as expected.
i recently wanted to add some content, and when i did my existing loops were no longer parsed, just output
and any {grid_name0:fieldname}
were replaced with empty string/nothing. other tags continued to work correctly, including tags and a grid loop in the new content i added.
after debugging a bit, i discovered that there is a specific amount of text that will break it, i can add a comment to the template like
<!-- 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 -->
that when i get to a certain length it will break the page. this seems like maybe a memory limit is being reached before expression engine processes all the content, i checked various areas for memory limits and they seem to be set at reasonable values (and this is a pretty simple/light site), however i suspect there is a limit set somewhere that i am not aware of.
this is on expression engine 2.7.2 with php 5.2.17, i can provide additional details from phpinfo if desired but the php memory_limit is set to 512M (which, frankly, seems like way overkill).
possibly related, but one of the things i was adding is an "advanced" condition with an {if:else}
, if i have this present but less text than is required to break the page it will also break in the exact same way.
thanks in advance for any help!