I have some modules on a site that basically functions as ORMs and one as a search engine for those ORMs. The problem I'm currently running into is that when a search term is submitted, it gets double urlencoded, and looks like this:
submitted term: "Boston +New"
encoded url: "site.com/search/Boston%2B%252BNew"
and this is correct, and allows me to safely pass these terms through a giant search module. It also allows me to decode one step safely in the module and do searches in BOOLEAN MODE so users can use a few specials affect characters (the + in front of New puts extra weight on that word being in the match-against).
This is all fine. However, using EE's standard pagination tool, it outputs the url links in this manner:
pagination_url: "site.com/search/Boston+%2BNew/P20"
so when you go to any other page, the search term isn't what you searched for. I'm looking for a simpler solution than using regex to pull apart the pagination_url, mangle it, and put it back together. Is there a way to get just the pagination top segment (ie, P10, P20)? Then I can just put the url together with the segment var, ie
Or any other suggestions?